Sunday, January 9, 2011

Is mobile television ever going to hit the mainstream?

It hasn’t caught on yet in the U.S., but device makers and broadcasters keep trying — and it looks like they’re continuing their efforts in 2011. I think the screen size is a major deterrent in enjoying video content on mobiles. However, I think Ipad or a similar device with a larger screen could very well be the next TV viewing gadget..... Any thoughts ?

1 comment:

  1. I think this is an interesting discussion and I agree with your point that screen size is likely one major reason people haven't gravitated to mobile television viewing. In the area of television technology everything seems to be moving towards bigger, thinner, 3D, and HD and there is much less focus on mobility.

    However, I also think the TV content creators haven't tailored their product for mobile viewing either. I would think successful mobile TV content would need to be short so that it could be consumed in small increments (i.e. on the go during bus or subway ride) and not focused on subjects that require high viewing quality. The article mentions local news being popular, which I think fits this mold. Producers should look at creating entertainment shows that follow this same consumption model.

    To keep in line with the notion we discuss in class around innovating on top of a certain foundation in order to truely add incremental value, I think mobile TV technology needs to be combined with touchscreen technology that has gained popularity on the iPhone and iPad. Imagine being able to control your TV viewing by touching the screen. You could zoom in on or pause live mobile TV (like DVR or Tivo) with finger motions.

    Just an idea, what do others think? Would people find the combination of touch screen and mobile TV technolog interesting?
