Thursday, January 6, 2011

Who gives a Tweet ?

The project "Who gives a Tweet?" should examine the use of tweets.
Ppl from MIT, University Southampton and Georgia Tech started a project that analyzes the
"quality" of tweets.

The goal ist to provide feedback which posted messages are considered useful by followers - and which ones are seen as useless. One of the founders of this initiative, Michael Bernstein, argues that massmedia regularly complains that twitter is overloaded with rubbish.
At this point of time, enough users support this initiative by rating anonymous tweets so that meaningful analysis can be conducted.

The exact date when study results are presented is not set, yet.


  1. I agree that twitter is filled with irrelavant information. It appears to be so unorganized! Maybe in due time, it will become more organized. Kind of like wikipedia how it did not gain too much academic popularity in its starting years.

  2. I agree with the article. Twitter is more of a social platform and because of that the vast majority of people are going to put random information on there. If they have friends following them, they are going to look to put information on there to update their friends on what they are doing.

    In order to get more useful user information, someone is going to have to create a more "professional" version of twitter.
